A manifesto — for the new world
On values of who we are and who we are not.
Hello dear friend, comrade, neighbor, colleague, stranger, creator, outcast, dreamer, whoever you may be, we have come to share a vision… a vision for a new world!
You see, we believe that global homogenised culture lacks richness in its predictability and we will not be passive operators within this system.
We believe that the connection of reality and experience is a fundamental human right — we believe in humanity first — humanity full of unique interactions, conversations, culture, history … and so on — humanity beyond the market.
And so we assume the roles of the storyteller and actor archetype of today — using the system as our theatre, our stage, a playground with a purpose (See Metamodernism).
And there is no time to be too serious! We consciously encourage a playful, unpredictable attitude, recognising the great intelligence that lies in perceived ‘randomness’ (See Dérive).
We are tired of pessimism. We embrace naivety — because within it we uncover both increased ambition, creativity … and hope.
However, do not misunderstand naivety with lack of rigour. We are consciously positive (Citing Negative Capability).
We aim for fruits of labour in arts and design to go beyond the final exhibit — to go out and live in the real world — to touch the masses — in expanding the realities of citizens — mindset shifts — sparking new thinking (See Bauhaus Movement, consider Designer Entrepreneur).
We are not an isolated island away from the system. In fact, we harness tools of the system we criticise (ie. capitalism, startup, economics, global homogenization, etc.) — because we wish to reach the same audience (Consider Guerilla Capitalism).
Our loose methodology pushes to transform concept generation (via play) to execution and back again (See Behavioral Economics, Applied Arts, Critical Design and Contextual Design).
We refuse linear timelines as a reference of progress. Time is infinite, existing in a multitude of layers and realities across moments — we can learn a lot by travelling in each and every way.
When crafting narratives, we are not pro — dystopia and utopia, we see them as they are, two sides of the same coin.
We exist in and invite you to a community of decentralised, local realities — connected globally.
Together, we represent multiple layers of identity and expertise. Within this array of great experience — we are not silo-ed into disciplines, hierarchies, information bubbles (See Kreb’s Cycle of Creativity).
Your craft is embraced — and we also encourage you to venture beyond your own borders.
We are not rigid. We are open, fluid and flexible — a story with a thousand blank pages waiting to be filled.